January 23, 2012

Tangled Teens

During the current season in my life, I’ve had the privilege of being surrounded with teenagers. No, you didn’t read that wrong and I’m ‘not off my rocker’, I did just say “privileged” to be surrounded by teenagers. There not all mine, so it’s easier to say that.

The last few years my teenage son’s friends have really opened up to me about things going on in their life; classes, friends, activities, jobs, futures and even their home life. My heart rejoices and hurts for them as they share their joys and struggles. I’ve always dreamed of owning a home and having a place for teens to hang out, full of video games, pool tables and such. Unfortunately, that dream hasn’t come true yet, but thankfully the teens still come over and hang out. I have noticed one requirement though……FOOD!! If you have food, they will come.

We’ve all been teenagers, so we understand the struggles with school, choices, parents , etc.  But the teens in my life right now are currently struggling with some deep, painful bondages; one is struggling with being gay, another is struggling with an abusive father, yet another is struggling with depression and being an atheist, another is struggling with drug addiction, another one has dropped out of school and is struggling to attain his GED.  

My heart hurts for them and I cry out to God on their behalf. This wasn’t something I set out to do or a ministry I intended to begin, it just happened because I simply listened and accepted them right where they are. The rewards of just being there for them have moved me; they wrap their arms around me for a hug, they give me little letters of appreciation, they call in the middle of the night, they come hang out at the house. I get to pray with and for them as I am their listening ears. I’ve had the opportunity to really get to know them and quite frankly, I love them!

DISCOVERING: How to accept people where they are
BECOMING: God’s hands and feet

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