February 2, 2012

stealing, looting, incest, sex outside of marriage, murder, anger, lies, pride

I knew the title alone would draw you in and make you want to read more. It would’ve me to, and honestly that’s what has kept my interest in reading the Bible for 5 weeks straight.  Yes, I’ve read Bible passages, heard the Bible read to me, done my devotions, and all the other little things that good Christians do <insert hint of sarcasm here>, but I’ve never read the Bible THROUGH. 

So far I’ve only read through one book and there’s been stealing, looting, incest, sex outside of marriage, murder, anger, lies, pride. All these things from the first group of people that God created and their stories are mentioned in the FIRST book of the Bible. We all come from one of the twelve tribes that came from Jacob and one was a murderer, one slept with his step-mom, one of them was even called a ravenous wolf who devours and divides. Ironic how we think that we have to ‘get perfect’ before we can come to church, or Christ. I think God wants us to know we are NOT perfect, never will be and He’s telling us that it’s okay. I mean it is written right in His Word.

I’m just amazed at how much I’ve learned from reading the Bible through instead of little patches here and there. I wouldn’t pick up the book “Language of Flowers” (a book I recently read and highly recommend) and read page 59, then 1, then 256, then page 60. I picked it up and read it from beginning to end, but now that I’ve read it I may pick it up and find my favorite parts to re-read, but I didn’t begin that way. I find that reading the Bible through is meatier, makes sense, stirs my thoughts and puts me in the character’s shoes.  

Please don’t get me wrong, this is not a ‘shame-you for not reading the Bible through’ post. How can I say anything when I’ve been a Believer for 11 years and this is my first time reading it all the way through? I’m just sharing my wonderment and excitement at how it falls together and how my eyes are being opened. I hope one day you will share this wonderment whether it’s reading a verse, a passage or the entire thing.

DISCOVERING:  How sinful we really are and it’s been that way since DAY 1
BECOMING:  Excited about the Written Word

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